Danish government funding for studies abroad - Studysea
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Danish government funding for studies abroad

Denmark has one of the world’s most attractive funding schemes for Danish students studying abroad. Here is a quick overview.

Full graduate degree (master)

Danish students pursuing a graduate degree abroad (or equivalent) can finance their studies through the government’s:



Annual tuition grant (udlandsstipendium): From DKK 44,300 to 92,300 (depends on subject area)

Monthly living allowance (SU): DKK 6,397



Monthly loan (SU-lån): DKK 3,273

Tuition loan (udlandsstudielån): DKK 111,222


Note that the tuiton grant is available for a period of maximum two years.

The above figures are for 2022 and may be subject to change.

Full undergraduate degree

Danish students pursuing an undergraduate degree abroad (or equivalent) can finance their studies through the government’s:



Annual tuition grant (udlandsstipendium): Not available.

Monthly living allowance (SU): DKK 6,397



Monthly loan (SU-lån): DKK 3,273

Tuition loan (udlandsstudielån): Not available.


Note that funding is not available for “Freshman year” of undergraduate programs in USA.

The above figures are for 2022 and may be subject to change.

Study abroad (undergrad + grad)

Danish students that study part of their undergraduate or graduate degree abroad, can finance their studies through the government’s:



Annual tuition grant (udlandsstipendium): From DKK 44,300 to 92,300 (depends on subject area)

Monthly living allowance (SU): DKK 6,397



Monthly loan (SU-lån): DKK 3,273

Tuition loan (udlandsstudielån): DKK 111,222


Note that the tuition grant is available for a period of maximum two years.

The above figures are for 2022 and may be subject to change.

List of approved programs and institutions

For your Danish students to be eligible for government financial aid, your institution must be approved by the Danish government. Check here to see if your instition is already approved.

Not approved for government funding? Learn how to get on the list.